Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI)
Research on the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
The DMRE has a crucial and pivotal role to play in enabling the transition to a green and more socially just economy. However, the Department shows insufficient commitment to this agenda: this is shown, for example, in its continued investment and support for fossil fuel-based energy production, and in its clear prioritisation of extraction over environmental concerns in the manner in which it licenses and regulates the mining sector. Transitions: An Institutional Analysis of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DMRE) is an in-depth analysis of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) and the obstacles that prevent this department from supporting South Africa’s just energy transition. The project comprises a policy, organisational, and intergovernmental/stakeholder analysis – the latter exploring its relationship with other institutions. The aim of the project is to use the insight gained from the research to develop proposals for the department’s reform, and to identify the right pressure points for change in the department – identifying ideas and strategies for advocacy by civil society organisations supporting a just energy transition. The research will also be used to inform PARI’s broader advocacy efforts in the area of state reform.
This Lewis funded projects is a collaboration between these two PARI programmes: