GreenMatter Fellowship Programme

Postgraduate Fellowship Programme

The GreenMatter Fellowship Programme (GFP) was launched in 2012 in support of the National Biodiversity Human Capital Development Strategy, to address the following objectives:

  1. To increase the number of talented South Africans attracted to working in the sector.
  2. To improve the quality, levels, and relevance of skills for the sector.
  3. To improve the retention and effective deployment of suitable individuals in the sector
  4. To create enabling conditions for skills planning, development and evaluation.


In addressing objective 1, the fellowship aims to attract talented individuals to the biodiversity sector by providing adequate and more targeted bursaries for post-graduate studies in priority skills areas. In support of objectives 2 and 3, the programme goes beyond financial awards to provide holistic leadership and professional development support that offers guidance, and mentoring and introduces students to opportunities, organisations, leaders, role models, and experienced professionals in their area of interest, ensuring the successful completion of their studies and transition into the workplace.


The GreenMatter Fellowship Programme welcomes graduates from all walks of life promoting the view that leadership for sustainability can and should be evident across sectors, qualifications, and positions. It emphasises camaraderie, community and peer learning while encouraging individual excellence.


In 2023 GreenMatter welcomed a cohort of 52 fellows, including 10 Honours fellows funded by the Lewis Foundation and 4 Ph.D. Fellows funded jointly by the Lewis Foundation and the Harry Crossley Foundation. The Honours fellows will be graduating from the Programme in March 2024, while the Harry Crossley/Lewis Foundation PhD Fellows will remain within the programme until 2025.


As a particular highlight, in October 2023 GreenMatter hosted a 5-day workshop for the Honours fellows in Kruger National Park. The workshop aimed to provide the fellows with training in technical research skills including scientific writing and peer-reviewed publication, data management and analysis. The fellows had an opportunity to present their research and receive feedback, which helped them with the writing up of their final papers.

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