Catalysing Critical Conservation Collaborations through Investment and influence

Our History


The Lewis Foundation’s story is one of passion and commitment. Starting with a couple’s Visionary dream to create a society that is actively committed to nature conservation and animal protection.

Our Vision, Mission, and Values

“Catalysing Critical Conservation Collaborations”

Our Team

The Lewis Foundation, comprising four Trustees and a Strategic Advisor, oversees the Foundation’s efforts. The Board shapes our vision, sets the overall direction for the organisation, and guides the strategic planning.

Our Programmes

Guided by our board mandate of conservation and animal welfare as defined in the Deed of Trust, we provide catalytic financial support to strategic initiatives, leveraged through collaboration and partnerships.

Our Governance

The Lewis Foundation is a private, independent philanthropic foundation.

Talk to us

Duncan Hay (Strategic Advisor)

+27 (0) 83 630 1749

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